Monday, September 18, 2006


my spontaneity and i were sitting home at 7:30pm sunday night,
working hard and feeling sad about missing the SYTYCD tour about to start in phoenix. i had a sudden urge to take my unshowered-self 10 blocks to the theater and scalp a ticket a few minutes before this totally sold out show began.

those who know me understand that i don't just like anything. if i like it, i love it. this show is one of those things that i LOVE with a nerdy obsession! the 4 of you who have a clue what im talking about should know that the 'bench dance' was truly breathtaking to see in person.
i heart heidi and travis and the sunflower too

Friday, September 15, 2006

So I Had a Bad Day

it was bound to happen. I knew it would. now all i want is to bask in this ridiculous gloom and feel shitty for a day.

They say "Anyone can have a good day. The question is what do you do on a bad day. That's when you're being tested. In a very tangible sense, a bad day shows your innermost essence more than a good day."

my innermost essence tells me to eat a gallon of cookie dough ice cream with a spoon and no bowl, while lounging alone in my pajamas and calling my friends to complain. everyone deserves a day like this!

Friday, September 01, 2006

As a Teacher...

- i am such a stickler about homework! one night, in order to avoid my detention for not reading, Carlos forced himself to read the only book he had at home... the Bible. he then wrote me a beautiful summary about how God created the earth in 7 days.

- i have successfully convinced my students that a paper hat from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is the ultimate reward to be worn with pride

- i expect precision when it comes to walking in a line. yes, i am the line drill sargent! the rest of the school is now competing to beat my class at 'best line'.

- i buy candy for my students, which is mostly consumed by me behind my desk.

- i've been questioned by the librarian as to why my class is obsessed with checking out all the French dictionaries.

- i have so much fun with my kids! Luis recently raised his hand to tell me,
"Miss Newlin, you have a very loud laugh!!"