Friday, May 19, 2006

Official Business

welcome to Julene's Job #2: Dateline Exports. no, we are not a dating service. we are ultra-official exporters of fiberglas poles and transformers and THWN wire... fancy things i truly know nothing about. i spend my days in this tropical little cubicle, plugging numbers and tracking shipments to far away islands.

its a strangely fascinating business. with even stranger and more fascinating employees. there are no cute, dancing ballerinas at this job. (well, except for Evan.) but i've grown to adore the 13 special people i get to work with each day.

thanks for being my friends. i will surely miss your stories and comforting smiles. and a special thanks to Brenda for bringing the gym to me in the office- i love watching you backhandspring past my cubicle.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mr. Hookeydooker Man

life was a 'hookeydooker' to Grandpa Newlin. With every visit he played the 'hide-the-hookeydooker' game with us. and after every visit he waved goodbye while performing the 'hookeydooker jump'. he was famous for it.

i love how my gramps told silly jokes about 'sandy claws' at christmas each year. i love how he stocked his fridge with processed cheese in a wrapper and sunny delight for us kids. (all those 'fake' things mom never allowed us to have.) i love how the two of us could share our secrets in french and he would call me jolie poupee- his beautiful doll.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

You're Invited to a Pink Party

welcome to Miss Julene's Beginning Ballet Class. we leap in pink shoes. we arabesque in pink tights. we even twirl in pink skirts. trust me... our saturday morning pink parties are a lovely way to start the weekend.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

rainy day ritual

the recipe is simple... 1 loveable pup. 2 furry pursians. 1 cozy blanket and a mama to snuggle with. put it all together right atop the heater vent. watch the raindrops fall and enjoy!